It doesn’t matter

The golfsense Swing Speed Challenge.It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a women. 
It doesn’t matter if you’re a great golfer, average golfer or a beginner. This program is all about helping you to swing faster than you currently are, so it suits any swing method and any skill level.

If you don’t order right now, chances are that you’ll go away from this website and in a couple of days you would have forgotten about it. If that happens you know what will happen…you’ll keep getting the same results. 

Take action right now by clicking the ‘Add to Cart’ button below and getting this program and starting it. Put it into action and you’ll be hitting the ball further.

You’ll be showing off to your buddies with your increased driving distance. They won’t know how you’ve done it. You wouldn’t have taken any $150 lessons. You wouldn’t have bought any $400 drivers. You wouldn’t have gone to any $1000+ golf schools.

For the low price of just $74 $57 you can put this golf swing speed challenge to the test. And I’m so confident that you’re going to be hitting the ball further after completing the challenge that you can…

How can I make such a bold, confident guarantee? Simply because, when you complete this program and you increase your swing speed you WILL be hitting the ball further.

It’s a fact backed up by science and research that for every 1 mph you increase your swing speed you’ll gain 2.2 yards of distance. So if you increase your swing speed by just 15 mph you’ll gain 33 yards in distance.
Imagine the looks on your golfing buddies faces when you do that!

Ok, so you need to get The Golf Swing Speed Challenge right now, because the worst that will happen is you get your money back. The best that can happen is you gain some serious distance on your shots so golf is more fun for you.

To get all of these benefits simply click the ‘Add to Cart’ button below and process your order securely through, which is our trusted online payment processor.

Once you’ve successfully completed your order you’ll then be transferred to a secret and private page where you can download and start The Golf Swing Speed Challenge in just 5 minutes from now. So for much longer golf shots take action and click here now.

Just think how much more fun you’ll have when you consistently out-drive your playing partners and have them be amazed at your new found power and distance?

How will you feel knowing as you stand on the tee that with another great drive you’ll have an iron into the green instead of a wood or hybrid? How will you feel when you can go at par 5′s in two instead of having to lay up?

Remember the longest drive you’ve hit. Imagine beating your longest drive…consistently!

By the way, to achieve all of this you will not end up looking like somebody who is body building or beefing-up. No! Instead it’s been specifically designed to help you hit the golf ball further by increasing your swing speed. Nothing more, nothing less. Because it’s a scientific fact!…

The faster  you  swing the golf club the further the ball goes.

But the only way that’s going to happen is if you try The Golf Swing Speed Challenge program right now. Imagine the looks on your buddies faces when you start hitting it 30 yards or more further than you are now.

So go on…click here (or the ‘Add to Cart’ button below)to take The Golf Swing Speed Challenge Now!
It will help you to hit the ball longer than you are now. There’s no if’s, but’s or maybe’s, SO are you up to the challenge?

Important Note: The main part of The Golf Swing Speed Challenge is a downloadable program (pdf). And as such, you will NOT receive a physical package shipped to you vial mail. After you purchase The Golf Swing Speed Challenge, the entire package will be available for you immediately to download to your computer so you can start straight away after ordering. Plus videos showing you the exercises can be viewed online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I look forward to hearing your great swing speed improvements soon.

Alex Gairdner

BSc(Hons) Physio, Acup. ACP, BSc(Hons) SpSc

P.S. Maybe you’re already doing exercise to improve your golf game. If so, that’s great. But are you doing the right exercises, in the right order, for the right amount of time so you can increase your swing speed?

To put any doubt out of your mind click here to try The Golf Swing Speed Challenge today and put it to the test. If you don’t increase your swing speed please, ask for your money back and you’ll get all of it back with no hassles. That’s how confident I am that you’ll be hitting the ball longer than you are now….no matter what you are doing currently!

P.P.S. When you click here you’ll be taken to a secure page where the transaction will be processed securely by Clickbank, the most popular and secure payment processor of digital products in the world.
Once your order has been confirmed you will be automatically redirected to a page where you can download the Golf Swing Speed Challenge program. The e-book that is the main part of this program is in PDF format and the videos showing you the exercises can be viewed online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

His Best Golf Improvement Investment Ever…

“Good morning, First a big thank you for helping me access the information on the Golf Swing Speed Challenge site. I was having some trouble with that but you walked me through it. Now, the stretches have been a huge help not only with my golf game but have given me better posture throughout the day.

I can really feel the difference when I’m walking, and walking the course has been so much easier since starting the program. I’ve only been doing the program about a month and the results have been exciting. The mornings here in Oregon are colder now but I’m able to use the same irons I used during the summer which means to me that I’ve gained at least a full club in distance.

Also I am able to keep the good rounds going, not tiring the last few holes which used to happen on occasion. Since I have not worked out at all for over 7 months I have been easing into the strength part of the Challenge. That plus I’m 72 and not as strong as I once was.

But, I’m gaining in all aspects of the workouts and am optimistic about the continueing progress upcoming. All in all the best investment I’ve ever made regarding my golf game. Thanks for everything.”

John Handegard, USA

Helped To Improve His Golf Game Like No One Else Could…

“I have to tell you that I am blown away by your program.  I have been “working” on my golf game for years.  I have had tons of instruction but NEVER have I had any insight as to how to hit the ball further.  There is no doubt that one of the biggest obstacles to shooting low scores is not being able to hit the ball far enough.

If you are hitting approach shots with 6 and 7 irons you are at a big disadvantage to anyone who is hitting a 9 iron or wedge.  Also, the added pressure of knowing that you have to try to “kill it” off every tee does not help your game.

Since working on the program I have noticed a GREAT improvement on not only my distance, but my swing is better and more consistent.

I am excited to work the program through the winter and REALLY see some big results come spring time. Thanks for helping me improve my game in a way no one else could!”

Bob Perry, USA

Asked If He’s Been Taking Lessons…

“I have been using your Swing Speed Program for about 6 weeks now. I must admit that due to a rather heavy work schedule I have not been as diligent as I would like, but have not missed that many days of workout and stretching.

To give you a short background, I am 55 years of age and started playing golf when I was 6 years old. I am 6’3” and weigh 205lbs. so I am not in bad shape, just a little extra around the middle. My handicap fluctuates between 1 and 3. As I write this my index is 1.4. I play 90-110 rounds per year in southern Ontario, Canada, a 7-8 month season.

I have just started the advanced program, so, everything in this writing pertains to the basic part of the program.

The first thing I noticed when I started was how out of shape I really was. As you indicated in the program I did indeed some minor pain from muscles that I had not been using that often. This did pass after about a week of working out. As each week went by I could feel a difference in amount of flexibility I had. I now have about 25% more flex, especially in the shoulders. I am confident that will increase even more with the advanced section and I look forward to continuing the program.

Now here’s what’s really got me excited:

I have never been too concerned about how far anyone I play with hits the ball, although a few of the boys I play with are. My mid to short irons and putting have always been fairly good and I score well enough to maintain my handicap and be competitive. There’s always a few dollars on the line.

Over the last 4 weeks I have definitely seen an increase in my distance. Currently I am about 12 yards longer off the tees than I was before starting the ‘Golf Swing Speed’ program. Even the fellows I play with have noticed and are asking me if I’ve been taking lessons.

As nice as this extra yardage is, what’s really exciting is the effect this has had on my irons. Before starting the program I was hitting my 9 iron 135 yards average. This is with no wind.

Obviously when I hit it perfectly, which we all know is the exception not the rule, it will go about 8 or so yards further, but, the average is what I play with.

The increased length with the driver should require me to hit 1 less club into greens, so I thought. This was not however the case. I found that I actually needed 2 less clubs because 1 less put me 8-10 yards past the pins. It seemed rather obvious that the program was working with all my clubs, however I wanted to be sure.

I determine my yardages on the course later in the evening when the place is deserted. I hit about 25 balls with each club and GPS the yardage. I disregard the 5 best and the 5 worst. What’s left is a good reflection of average distance for any particular club. I will do this twice annually, spring and summer.

This past week, mid October and about 60 degrees, I rechecked my yardages. To my great pleasure they have all increased by a 10 yard average as well. This, in my mind, can only be due to the Swing Speed program because that is the only variable since checking them in the summer.

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to be hitting 9 irons instead of 7’s, wedges instead of 8’s and even better bringing our 5 pars into range to be on in 2 instead of 3. I need to hit 2 perfect shots but at least it’s now possible.

I am looking forward to continuing the Golf Swing Speed workouts and checking my distances in the spring again. I’ll let you know, if you like, what the numbers are.

Thank you again for the program.”

P.S. Please keep those swing speed drills coming. I really enjoy them.

P.P.S. I’ve decided I’ll let my buddies in on my secret next time we play. If they don’t get your program that’ll be better for me because their money looks pretty good in my wallet!“

Mark Hunermund, Canada
More Power With Less Effort…

“The Golf Swing Speed Challenge and the extra tips you e-mailed are great! The stretching exercises have really help my flexibility which translates into a wider swing arc and more power with less effort. My swing speed was around 89-90 when I started, and now I noticed that it’s around 95-100.

In addition the extra swing tip exercises that you email have increase my confidence and ball control which translates to more distance. My nine iron distance was around 110 yards, now it’s easily 115 to 120 yards. I’m sticking with the program because it works. Thanks a lot, it’s a lot more fun playing with the extra confidence.”

Jeff Chin, USA
Increased His Drives By 35 Yards Even Though He Was Skeptical…

“Your program has helped me to boost my average drives from about 165 to 200 yards. As you might imagine, this makes quite a difference in the game. 

I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. When added to my regular routine of exercises, the ones I added were so exhausting that I didn’t have the energy left to go out and play golf.

 However, after the second week or so, the body got use to the extra work. Another big boost came from monitoring the swing speed. It helped provide the feedback I needed to understand what I needed to do to get the extra yards.”

Robert Genetski, USA

300 Yard Drives On Average Now…

“I just want to say that I absolutely love this program. I have always been pretty long off the tee, but like most people I also have trouble controlling my ball off the tee.

I use to drive the ball about 280 yards on average and hit about 3 to 4 fairways in regulation per round. Now I am driving the ball around 300 yards on average and hitting 8 to 12 fairways in regulation per round.

I just can’t believe that I keep getting these great tips and drills every week. I am more flexible and more confident in my game. I am also controlling the ball more with my irons as well.

I use to shoot in the high 90′s to low 100′s, but now I am shooting in the mid to high 80′s. I highly recommend this program. Thanks for your program.”

Michael Osorio, USA
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